Someone once told me that turning 40 is a mixed bag, your still young enough to want to do things yet old enough to not be able to do them. 2 weeks ago I made the annual pilgrimage with Big Larry and Chacho to meet the Muscle Hamster for a week of riding between drinking. We wanted to ride far and hard, we drank hard and rode not so far. On the last ride of the trip as we reached the top of More Fun we made a pact that will hopefully result in longer rides during future trips. The point being; I had a great time hanging out with the guys at night and I had a great time riding during the days – I would have had a better time at both had the other not been mixed in. I attribute this to age. Years ago I remember hanging out till closing time at a bar then sleeping on a rocky parking lot the night before a race in Tahoe and finishing on the podium, though we were back at the bar before the awards were handed out. Now If I want to ride fast I need to make sure that I take my medicines, eat right, get a good nights sleep and wake up in a good mood to come close to my goals. However, the wisdom that we needed to make a pact would not have come without age. Seems to me that age can be resisted or embraced, I just haven’t made a clear choice yet…

I will be posting some helmet cam and photos soon of the trip.